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????swebok 2004????????????????????????????????????ж?unit testing????????£?

??????Unit testing verifies the functioning in isolation of software pieces which are separately testable. Depending on the context?? these could be the individual subprograms or a larger component made of tightly related units.??

??????????????????swebok 2004??unit??????????Щ??????????????????software pieces???????С?separately testable????????????????????????????κ????????????????????????????????????????swebok 2004????????????????????????У?unit???????????????????????????Щ???????component??



???????????????specification testing??????в???????????????????????????

???????????structure testing??????в?????????????????????


?????????????Testing Objected-Oriented Systems?? Models?? Patterns?? and tools??????????????????? ??????????????????????飬?????е????廩????????????????????????????????????????壬????????class scope testing???????????????P350????

??????Class scope testing corresponds with the classical definition of unit testing: exercising a relatively small software component?? usually via a driver?? in isolation.??


??????????????Щ???е??????????????????????????????磬???The art of Software Testing (2nd)??????У????????????????

??????Module testing (or unit testing) is a process of testing the individual subprograms?? subroutines?? or procedures in a program. That is?? rather than initially testing the program as a whole?? testing is first focused on the smaller building blocks of the program.??

???????Pragmatic Unit Testing in C Sharp with NUnit?????У???????????????£?

??????A unit test is a piece of code written by a developer that exercises a very small?? specific area of functionality of the code being tested. Usually a unit test exercises some particular method in a particular context. For example?? you might add a large value to a sorted list?? then confirm that this value appears at the end of the list. Or you might delete a pattern of characters from a string and then confirm that they are gone.

????Unit tests are performed to prove that a piece of code does what the developer thinks it should do.??





???????Systematic Software Testing??????????????????????????????????Χ?????????????Χ????????????Unit/Module/Component???????????????????? ?????????Χ??????Unit????????????Module????飩??????Component??????????

