1 #coding=utf-8
3 import nmap
4 import optparse
5 import threading
6 import sys
7 import re
8 '''
9 ?譎?python_nmap???????2.x???3.x
10 python_nmap??????python????nmap?????????
12 ????????????????
13 1.????nmap?????
14 class PortScanner()
15     __init__(self?? nmap_search_path=('nmap'?? '/usr/bin/nmap'?? '/usr/local/bin/nmap'?? '/sw/bin/nmap'?? '/opt/local/bin/nmap'))
16     Initialize PortScanner module
18     * detects nmap on the system and nmap version
19     * may raise PortScannerError exception if nmap is not found in the path
21     :param nmap_search_path: tupple of string where to search for nmap executable. Change this if you want to use a specific version of nmap.
22     :returns: nothing
23 2.?????????
24 scan(self?? hosts=''?? ports=None?? arguments='-sV'?? sudo=False)
25     Scan given hosts
27     May raise PortScannerError exception if nmap output was not xml
29     Test existance of the following key to know if something went wrong : ['nmap']['scaninfo']['error']
30     If not present?? everything was ok.
32     :param hosts: string for hosts as nmap use it 'scanme.nmap.org' or '198.116.0-255.1-127' or ''
33     :param ports: string for ports as nmap use it '22??53??110??143-4564'
34     :param arguments: string of arguments for nmap '-sU -sX -sC'
35     :param sudo: launch nmap with sudo if True
37     :returns: scan_result as dictionnary
39 ??????????
40 import nmap
41 scanner = nmap.PortScanner()    #nmap_search_path???????nmap????·?????????·???????nmap?????????
42 results = scanner.scan(hosts=''??ports='80')
43 pprint.pprint(results)
44 {'nmap': {'command_line': 'nmap -oX - -p 80 -sV'??
45           'scaninfo': {'tcp': {'method': 'syn'?? 'services': '80'}}??
46           'scanstats': {'downhosts': '0'??
47                         'elapsed': '11.59'??
48                         'timestr': 'Thu Jul 21 10:08:34 2016'??
49                         'totalhosts': '1'??
50                         'uphosts': '1'}}??
51  'scan': {'': {'addresses': {'ipv4': ''??
52                                         'mac': 'D0:C7:C0:6A:F6:A0'}??
53                           'hostnames': []??
54                           'status': {'reason': 'arp-response'??
55                                      'state': 'up'}??
56                           'tcp': {80: {'conf': '3'??
57                                        'cpe': ''??
58                                        'extrainfo': ''??
59                                        'name': 'http'??
60                                        'product': ''??
61                                        'reason': 'no-response'??
62                                        'state': 'filtered'??
63                                        'version': ''}}??
64                           'vendor': {'D0:C7:C0:6A:F6:A0': 'Tp-link '
65                                                           'Technologies'}}}}
67 '''
68 def anlyze_port(target_port):
69 #????-p???????????????????б?
70     try:
71         pattern = re.compile(r'(d+)-(d+)')    #?????????-??
72         match = pattern.match(target_port)
73         if match:
74             start_port = int(match.group(1))
75             end_port = int(match.group(2))
76             return([x for x in range(start_port??end_port + 1)])
77         else:
78             return([int(x) for x in target_port.split('??')])
79     except Exception as err:
80         print('????????1:'??sys.exc_info()[0]??err)
81         print(parser.usage)
82         exit(0)
84 def portscanner(target_host??target_port):
85     scanner = nmap.PortScanner()
86     results = scanner.scan(hosts=target_host??ports=target_port??arguments='-T4 -A -v -Pn ')  #??ping????????
87     print('?????????'??results['nmap']['command_line'])
88     print('[*]????' + target_host + '??' + str(target_port) + '????????' + results['scan'][target_host]['tcp'][int(target_port)]['state'])
90 def main():
91     usage = 'Usage:%prog --host <target_host> --port <target_port>'
92     parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage??version='v1.0')
93     parser.add_option('--host'??dest='target_host'??type='string'??
94                      help='???????????????????IP')
95     parser.add_option('--port'??dest='target_port'??type='string'??
96                     help='??????????????????1-100??21??53??80???????')
97     (options??args) = parser.parse_args()
98     if options.target_host == None or options.target_port == None:
99         print(parser.usage)
100         exit(0)
101     else:
102         target_host = options.target_host
103         target_port = options.target_port
105     target_port = anlyze_port(target_port)
106     for port in target_port:
107         t = threading.Thread(target=portscanner??args=(target_host??str(port)))
108         t.start()
110 if __name__ == '__main__':
111     main()
????1 c:python34python.exe NmapScanner.py --host --port 80
????2 ????????? nmap -oX - -p 80 -T4 -A -v -Pn
????3 [*]????