??????????RHEL6.4 +Oracle
?????????????OMF??????????????????????(?ж?????????OMF????????db_create_file_dest?????????show parameter db_create_file_dest)
????-- ???????
????create tablespace dbs_d_jingyu datafile size 30M autoextend off;
????-- ???????
????create temporary tablespace temp_jingyu tempfile size 30M autoextend off;
????-- ????????(???)
????create tablespace dbs_i_jingyu datafile size 30M autoextend off;
????-- ???????
????create tablespace dbs_d_jingyu datafile '/oradata1/datafiles/dbs_d_jingyu01.dbf' size 30M autoextend off;
????-- ???????
????create temporary tablespace temp_jingyu tempfile '/oradata1/tempfiles/temp_jingyu01.tmp' size 30M autoextend off;
????-- ????????(???)
????create tablespace dbs_i_jingyu datafile '/oradata1/datafiles/dbs_i_jingyu01.dbf' size 30M autoextend off;
????-- ???????
????create tablespace dbs_d_jingyu datafile '+DATA' size 30M autoextend off;
????-- ???????
????create temporary tablespace temp_jingyu tempfile '+DATA' size 30M autoextend off;
????-- ????????(???)
????create tablespace dbs_i_jingyu datafile '+DATA' size 30M autoextend off;
????-- ???貼????? jingyu ???? jingyu???????????? temp_jingyu?? ?????????? dbs_d_jingyu??
????DEFAULT TABLESPACE dbs_d_jingyu
????QUOTA UNLIMITED ON dbs_d_jingyu;
????-- ????????????????
????grant resource?? connect to jingyu;
????-- ????DBA??????
????grant dba to jingyu;
????-- ?????????
????conn jingyu/jingyu
????-- ???T1??T2?????
????drop table t1 cascade constraints purge;
????drop table t2 cascade constraints purge;
????-- ????T1??T2?????
????create table t1( id number not null?? n number?? contents varchar2(4000) ) tablespace dbs_d_jingyu;
????create table t2( id number not null?? t1_id number not null?? n number?? contents varchar2(4000) ) tablespace dbs_d_jingyu;
????-- ???????T1??T2????????????????
????execute dbms_random.seed(0);
????set timing on
????insert into t1  select rownum?? rownum?? dbms_random.string('a'??50)   from dual   connect by level <= 100   order by dbms_random.random;
????insert into t2  select rownum?? rownum?? rownum?? dbms_random.string('b'??50)  from dual  connect by level <= 100000  order by dbms_random.random;
????-- ???T1??T2????????
????select count(1) from t1;
????select count(1) from t2;
????-- ????T1?????n??????idx_t1_n
????create index idx_t1_n on t1(n) tablespace dbs_i_jingyu;
????-- ????T2?????id??????idx_t2_t1id
????create index idx_t2_t1id on t2(t1_id) tablespace dbs_i_jingyu;
????-- ?????SQL 1
????select * from t1?? t2 where t1.id = t2.t1_id and t1.n = 19;
????-- ?????SQL 2
????select * from t1?? t2 where t1.id = t2.t1_id;
????-- ?????????jingyu
????drop user jingyu cascade;
????-- ?????????估?????
????drop tablespace dbs_d_jingyu including contents and datafiles;
????-- ??????????估?????
????drop tablespace dbs_i_jingyu including contents and datafiles;
????-- ?????????估?????
????drop tablespace temp_jingyu including contents and datafiles;