

????* Determine whether the given response indicates a GZIP response.


????* The default implementation checks whether the HTTP "Content-Encoding"

????* header contains "gzip" (in any casing).


????* @param httpResponse the resulting HttpResponse to check

????* @return whether the given response indicates a GZIP response


????protected boolean isGzipResponse(HttpResponse httpResponse) {

????Header encodingHeader = httpResponse.getFirstHeader(HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_ENCODING);

????return (encodingHeader != null && encodingHeader.getValue() != null && encodingHeader




????* Shutdown hook that closes the underlying

????*{@link }org.apache.http.conn.ClientConnectionManager

????* ClientConnectionManager}'s connection pool?? if any.


????public void destroy() {



????enum HttpMethod {










??????????t??????httpClient 3????η????????:

????[java] view plaincopyprint?


????* @author von gosling 2011-12-12


????public class HttpClientUtils {

????private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory


????private static int timeOut = 100;

????private static int retryCount = 1;

????private static int connectionTimeout = 100;

????private static int maxHostConnections = 32; //????apache work MPM??????

????private static int maxTotalConnections = 512; //???

????private static String charsetName = "UTF-8";

????public static JSONObject executeMethod(HttpClient httpClient?? HttpMethod method) {

????JSONObject result = new JSONObject();

????StopWatch watch = new StopWatch();

????int status = -1;

????try {

????log.info("Execute method({}) begin..."?? method.getURI());


????status = httpClient.executeMethod(method);


????if (status == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {

????InputStream inputStream = method.getResponseBodyAsStream();

????ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

????IOUtils.copy(inputStream?? baos);

????String response = new String(baos.toByteArray()?? charsetName);

????log.info("Response is:{}"?? response);

????result = JSONObject.parseObject(response);

????} else {

????log.error("Http request failure! status is {}"?? status);


????} catch (SocketTimeoutException e) {

????log.error("Request time out!");//??????????????????????????????????????

????} catch (Exception e) {

????log.error("Error occur!"?? e);

????} finally {


????log.info("Method {}??statusCode {}??consuming {} ms"?? new Object[] { method.getName()??

????status?? watch.getTime() });


????return result;



????* @param uri

????* @param nameValuePairs

????* @return


????public static PostMethod createPostMethod(String uri?? NameValuePair[] nameValuePairs) {

????PostMethod method = new PostMethod(uri);



????return method;



????* @param uri

????* @param nameValuePairs

????* @return


????public static GetMethod createGetMethod(String uri?? NameValuePair[] nameValuePairs) {

????GetMethod method = new GetMethod(uri);

????List list = Lists.newArrayList();

????if (nameValuePairs != null) {

????Collections.addAll(list?? nameValuePairs);

????method.setQueryString(list.toArray(new NameValuePair[nameValuePairs.length]));



????return method;


????public static HttpClient createHttpClient() {


????HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient(new MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager());


????HttpConnectionManagerParams httpConnectionManagerParams = httpClient