1 true.should == true
2 5.should == 5


1  class Object
2  def should
3  self
4  end
5  end        ????



1 module Kernel
2  def describe(description?? &block)
3    tests = Dsl.new.parse(description?? block)
4   tests.execute
5 end
6 end
7  class Object
8  def should
9    self
10  end
11   end
12  class Dsl
13  def initialize
14    @tests = {}
15  end
16  def parse(description?? block)
17    self.instance_eval(&block)
18    Executor.new(description?? @tests)
19  end
20  def it(description?? &block)
21    @tests[description] = block
22  end
23 end
24  class Executor
25  def initialize(description?? tests)
26    @description = description
27    @tests = tests
28    @success_count = 0
29    @failure_count = 0
30  end
31  def execute
32    puts "#{@description}"
33    @tests.each_pair do |name?? block|
34      print " - #{name}"
35      result = self.instance_eval(&block)
36      result ? @success_count += 1 : @failure_count += 1
37      puts result ? " SUCCESS" : " FAILURE"
38    end
39    summary
40  end
41  def summary
42    puts " #{@tests.keys.size} tests?? #{@success_count} success?? #{@failure_count} failure"
43  end
44   end


????some test

????- should be true SUCCESS

????- should show that an expression can be true SUCCESS

????- should be failing deliberately FAILURE

????3 tests?? 2 success?? 1 failure

?????????!??????????????????????????????????????????д??????????5???????????????????????????????????????????????Щ??????;?????????????????????API??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????е??Щ????(???磬????????DSL???)??????????С??????????????????????????bacon ?????????????д????????Rspec???????檔???д??Attest?????????????????????(??????????????????:P)?????????????κ??????test double ?????????????????????????????test double????

?????????Test Double??????????С?????????????????????????????????Test Stub(?????)??Mock Object??Test Spy??Fake Object??Dummy Object??