/* If result table is small; use a heap */
  /* future: storage engine selection can be made dynamic? */
  if ( blob_count || using_unique_constraint
      || ( thd->variables .big_tables && !( select_options & SELECT_SMALL_RESULT ))
      || ( select_options & TMP_TABLE_FORCE_MYISAM ))
    share->db_plugin = ha_lock_engine(0?? myisam_hton);
    table->file = get_new_handler( share?? &table ->mem_root??
                                 share->db_type ());
    if (group &&
          ( param->group_parts > table-> file->max_key_parts () ||
           param->group_length > table-> file->max_key_length ()))
    share->db_plugin = ha_lock_engine(0?? heap_hton);
    table->file = get_new_handler( share?? &table ->mem_root??
                                 share->db_type ());


    copy all old rows from heap table to MyISAM table
    This is the only code that uses record[1] to read/write but this
    is safe as this is a temporary MyISAM table without timestamp/autoincrement
    or partitioning.
  while (! table->file ->rnd_next( new_table.record [1]))
    write_err= new_table .file-> ha_write_row(new_table .record[1]);
    DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("raise_error" ?? write_err= HA_ERR_FOUND_DUPP_KEY ;);
    if (write_err )
      goto err ;




????1?????order by??????group by?????????????????order by??group by?????join?????е??????????Ρ?

????2??DISTINCT????order by??????????




????2??group by??distinct?????е???δ???512??????

????3??????????UNION??UNION ALL???κβ???б??е???δ???512??????
