
package heap;

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Heap {
 private ArrayList list = new ArrayList();

 public Heap() {


 public Heap(Object[] objects) {
  for (int i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) {

 public void add(Object newObject) {
  //the index of the last node
  int currentIndex = list.size() - 1;

  while (currentIndex > 0) {
   int parentIndex = (currentIndex - 1) / 2;
   if (((Comparable) (list.get(currentIndex))).compareTo(list
     .get(parentIndex)) > 0) {
    Object temp = list.get(currentIndex);
    list.set(currentIndex?? list.get(parentIndex));
    list.set(parentIndex?? temp);
   } else {
   currentIndex = parentIndex;

  * remove the root from the heap
  * @return
 public Object remove() {
  if (list.size() == 0) {
   return null;
  Object removedObject = list.get(0);
  list.set(0??  list.get(list.size() - 1));
  list.remove(list.size() - 1);
  int currentIndex = 0;
  while (currentIndex < list.size()) {
   int leftChildIndex = 2 * currentIndex + 1;
   int rightChileIndex = 2 * currentIndex + 2;
   if (leftChildIndex >= list.size()) {
   int maxIndex = leftChildIndex;
   if (rightChileIndex < list.size()) {
    if (((Comparable) (list.get(maxIndex))).compareTo(list
      .get(rightChileIndex)) < 0) {
     maxIndex = rightChileIndex;

   if (((Comparable) (list.get(currentIndex))).compareTo(list
     .get(maxIndex)) < 0) {
    Object temp = list.get(maxIndex);
    list.set(maxIndex?? list.get(currentIndex));
    list.set(currentIndex?? temp);
    currentIndex = maxIndex;
   } else {
  return removedObject;

 public int getSize() {
  return list.size();



package heap;

public class TestHeap {
 public static void main(String[] args) {
  Heap heap = new Heap(new Integer[] { 8?? 9?? 2?? 4?? 5?? 6?? 7?? 5?? 3?? 0 });
  while (heap.getSize() > 0) {
   System.out.println(heap.remove() + " ");