??????C/C ++?о?????????д洢??????????????????????洢???д洢????????????????????????????????????????????????????洢??С???????о????????????????????????????????????????洢?????????????????????????????????е???????????
????struct aa{
????char a;
????double b;
????short c;
????struct bb
????double a;
????short b;
????char c;
????struct cc
????struct bb s1;
????char s2;
????struct dd
????struct aa s1;
????char s2;
????#pragma pack(1)
????struct ee
????double a;
????short b;
????char c;
????struct ff
????char a;
????double b;
????short c;
????#pragma pack()
????struct gg
????char a;
????struct jj
????char a;
????short b;
????int main()
????printf("double size is %d %d %d "??sizeof(double)??sizeof(short)??sizeof(char));
????printf("size of s1 = %d size of s2 = %d "??sizeof(struct aa)??sizeof(struct bb));
????printf("size of t1 = %d size of dd = %d "??sizeof(struct cc)??sizeof(struct dd));
????printf("size of struct ee = %d size of struct ff = %d size of struct gg = %d size of struct jj = %d "??
????sizeof(struct ee)??sizeof(struct ff)??sizeof(struct gg)??sizeof(struct jj));
