????-- file:main.lua
????local Test = require "test"
????local _t = Test()
????_t:set_x( 999 )
????print( _t:get_x() )
-- lua metatable performance test
-- 2016-04-01
-- xzc
local test = function( a??b ) return a+b end
local empty_mt1 = {}
local empty_mt2 = {}
local empty_mt3 = {}
local empty_mt4 = {}
local empty_mt5 = {}
local empty_mt6 = {}
local empty_mt7 = {}
local empty_mt8 = {}
local mt = {}
mt.test = test
local mt_tb = {}
setmetatable( empty_mt8??{__index = mt} )
setmetatable( empty_mt7??{__index = empty_mt8} )
setmetatable( empty_mt6??{__index = empty_mt7} )
setmetatable( empty_mt5??{__index = empty_mt6} )
setmetatable( empty_mt4??{__index = empty_mt5} )
setmetatable( empty_mt3??{__index = empty_mt4} )
setmetatable( empty_mt2??{__index = empty_mt3} )
setmetatable( empty_mt1??{__index = empty_mt2} )
setmetatable( mt_tb??{__index = empty_mt1} )
local tb = {}
tb.test = test
local ts = 10000000
local cnt = 0
for i = 1??ts do
cnt = test( cnt??1 )
f_tm_stop( "call function native" )
local cnt = 0
for i = 1??ts do
cnt = tb.test( cnt??1 )
f_tm_stop( "call function as table value" )
for i = 1??ts do
cnt = empty_mt6.test( cnt??1 )
f_tm_stop( "call function with 3 level metatable" )
for i = 1??ts do
cnt = mt_tb.test( cnt??1 )
f_tm_stop( "call function with 10 level metatable" )
????local ts = 10000000
????call function native    1091772 microsecond
????call function as table value    1287172 microsecond
????call function with 3 level metatable    2014431 microsecond
????call function with 10 level metatable   3707181 microsecond