????Server Software:Apache/2.2.15
????Server Hostname:
????Server Port:80
????Document Path:  /index.html
????Document Length:16 bytes
????Concurrency Level:  100                     ??????????
????Time taken for tests:   4.610 seconds       ???????????????
????Complete requests:  15000                   ??????????
????Failed requests:0                           ??????????
????Write errors:   0                           ?????????е????紫????
????Total transferred:  3126656 bytes           ?????????е????紫????
????HTML transferred:   240512 bytes            ?????????е?HTML?????????
????Requests per second:3253.54 [#/sec] (mean)  ?????????????????????????? LR ?е?????????????????????е? mean ???????????????????????
????Time per request:   30.736 [ms] (mean)      ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? LR ?е???????????????????????е? mean ??????????????????С???
????Time per request:   0.307 [ms] (mean?? across all concurrent requests)   ???????????????????????
????Transfer rate: 662.29 [Kbytes/sec] received ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
????Connection Times (ms)
????min  mean[+/-sd] median   max
????Connect:    2     6     2.4    6      18
????Processing: 9    24     2.9   24      31
????Waiting:    6    22     3.3   22      30
????Total:     19    31     2.6   31      39
????Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms)
????50% 31
????66% 32
????75% 32
????80% 33
????90% 34
????95% 35
????98% 36
????99% 37
???? 39 (longest request)