[root@lab8105 ~]# vim /etc/openmpi-x86_64/openmpi-default-hostfile
lab8105 slots=1
lab8106 slots=1
???????slots ??????????????????????????????????????????????С????о??????
[root@lab8105 ~]# mpirun  --allow-run-as-root -np 2 hostname
[root@lab8105 ~]# mpirun -host lab8105  --allow-run-as-root -np 2 hostname
2 task on 1 node
[root@lab8105 ~]# mpirun -host lab8105  --allow-run-as-root -np 2 mdtest -I 10  -z 5 -b 2 -d /mnt/zptest/ -t -c 2
-- started at 01/27/2015 21:06:23 --
mdtest-1.9.3 was launched with 2 total task(s) on 1 node(s)
Command line used: mdtest -I 10 -z 5 -b 2 -d /mnt/zptest/ -t -c 2
Path: /mnt/zptest
FS: 6.5 TiB   Used FS: 59.2%   Inodes: 0.6 Mi   Used Inodes: 100.0%
2 tasks?? 1260 files/directories
SUMMARY: (of 1 iterations)
Operation                      Max            Min           Mean        Std Dev
---------                      ---            ---           ----        -------
Directory creation:        312.088        312.088        312.088          0.000
Directory stat    :      73447.245      73447.245      73447.245          0.000
Directory removal :        255.755        255.755        255.755          0.000
File creation     :        638.824        638.824        638.824          0.000
File stat         :      86747.366      86747.366      86747.366          0.000
File read         :      84434.232      84434.232      84434.232          0.000
File removal      :        207.545        207.545        207.545          0.000
Tree creation     :         39.062         39.062         39.062          0.000
Tree removal      :         46.971         46.971         46.971          0.000
-- finished at 01/27/2015 21:06:43 --
?????????2 task on 2 node
[root@lab8105 ~]#  mpirun  --allow-run-as-root -np 2 mdtest -I 10  -z 5 -b 2 -d /mnt/zptest/ -t -c 2
-- started at 01/27/2015 21:04:35 --
mdtest-1.9.3 was launched with 2 total task(s) on 2 node(s)
Command line used: mdtest -I 10 -z 5 -b 2 -d /mnt/zptest/ -t -c 2
Path: /mnt/zptest
FS: 6.5 TiB   Used FS: 59.2%   Inodes: 0.6 Mi   Used Inodes: 100.0%
2 tasks?? 1260 files/directories
SUMMARY: (of 1 iterations)
Operation                      Max            Min           Mean        Std Dev
---------                      ---            ---           ----        -------
Directory creation:        312.355        312.355        312.355          0.000
Directory stat    :       1611.000       1611.000       1611.000          0.000
Directory removal :        127.333        127.333        127.333          0.000
File creation     :        309.295        309.295        309.295          0.000
File stat         :     113257.534     113257.534     113257.534          0.000
File read         :     203458.057     203458.057     203458.057          0.000
File removal      :         98.523         98.523         98.523          0.000
Tree creation     :         36.566         36.566         36.566          0.000
Tree removal      :         20.191         20.191         20.191          0.000
-- finished at 01/27/2015 21:05:12 --
????????? -z 2 -b 3
????[root@lab8106 mnt]# ls mdtest2/#test-dir.0/mdtest_tree.0/
????mdtest_tree.1 mdtest_tree.2 mdtest_tree.3
????[root@lab8106 mnt]# ls mdtest2/#test-dir.0/mdtest_tree.0/mdtest_tree.1/
????mdtest_tree.4 mdtest_tree.5 mdtest_tree.6
????[root@lab8106 mnt]# ls mdtest2/#test-dir.0/mdtest_tree.0/