????· ???????
????· ?????
????sys???μ????(??PL/SQL??views?? synonyms?? users…)
????Target instance
????Target time
????Auxiliary instance
????Auxiliary destination
????Recovery set
????Auxiliary set
?????塢?????????TSPITR ???


????rman target /
????RMAN> recover tablespace users?? tools
????until logseq 1300 thread 1
????-- until time "to_date( '2017-04-18 16:05:07'?? 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')"
????auxiliary destination '/disk1/auxdest';
????set newname for datafile '?/oracle_home/oradata/trgt/users01.dbf'
????to '/newfs/users01.dbf';
????...other set newname commands...
????recover tablespace users?? tools until sequence 1300 thread 1;
# specify newname for recovery set data files
set newname for tablespace clients
to '?/oradata/prod/rec/%b';
# specify newnames for some auxiliary set
# data files that have a valid image copy to avoid restores:
set newname for datafile '?/oradata/prod/system01.dbf'
to '/backups/prod/system01_monday_noon.dbf';
set newname for datafile '?/oradata/prod/system02.dbf'
to '/backups/prod/system02_monday_noon.dbf';
set newname for datafile '?/oradata/prod/sysaux01.dbf'
to '/backups/prod/sysaux01_monday_noon.dbf';
set newname for datafile '?/oradata/prod/undo01.dbf'
to '/backups/prod/undo01_monday_noon.dbf';
# specify the types of channels to use
allocate auxiliary channel c1 device type disk;
allocate auxiliary channel t1 device type sbt;
# recover the clients tablespace to 24 hours ago:
recover tablespace clients until time 'sysdate-1';
????5.??????????????н??????????????????????????????????????洢????????????л???????????????У??????????????????????????У???????????????????????????auxliary destination??????recover tablespace????)??