

/*** Example class.The value should never * be negative.*/ public class Example{
private Integer i = new Integer (0);
public Example (){
/*** Set x. x must be nonnegative* or an exception will be thrown*/
public synchronized void setValues (int x) throws IllegalArgumentException{ if (x < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
i = new Integer (x);
public synchronized Integer getValue(){
// We can’t clone Integers so we makea copy this way. return new Integer (i.intValue());



public synchronized Integer getValue(){ // ’i’ is immutable?? so it is safe to return it instead of a copy. return i; }

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public class Example{ private int[] copy;
/*** Save a copy of ’data’. ’data’ cannot be null.*/ public void saveCopy (int[] data){
copy = new int[data.length];
for (int i = 0; i < copy.length;
++i) copy[i] = data[i];


void saveCopy (int[] data){ try{ copy = (int[])data.clone(); }catch (CloneNotSupportedException e){ // Can’t get here. } }


static int[] cloneArray (int[] data){
catch(CloneNotSupportedException e){
// Can’t get here.


void saveCopy (int[] data){
copy = cloneArray ( data);