???????????????7#????== ???.equals

??????Java?У?????????????????????????????????==??????????????????ж???????.equals?????????????(int?? flosat?? char ??)????????????????????==?????????????????

int x = 4;
int y = 5;
if (x == y) System.out.println ("Hi");
// This ’if’ test won’t compile. if (x.equals (y)) System.out.println ("Hi");


?????????????????java.lang.Object ??????????equals????????????==???????ж????????????????????????




????Java???????д32λ???????С????????????????????????????????????????????????????????д?????????????μ???????????(thread safe)???

public class Example{
private int value;
// More code here...
public void set (int x){
// NOTE: No synchronized keyword this.value = x;


public void increment (){
// This is effectively two or three instructions:
// 1) Read current setting of ’value’.
// 2) Increment that setting.
// 3) Write the new setting back.


public synchronized void increment (){ ?? ++this.value; }

???????????????9#????catch ?????????????


OutputStream os = null; try{
os = new OutputStream ();
// Do something with os here. ?? os.close();
catch (Exception e){
if (os != null) ?? os.close();